Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Bioshock's Big Daddies for GURPS

 Changing it up from past Mothership content, I've been experimenting with GURPS for potential solo projects and group projects recently, and I figured I'd throw one of those experiments up for people to maybe use. Got it in my head to stat up Bioshock's iconic Big Daddies as enemies (or a player template...). This is done by hand, not with GCS, so apologies if it's a little less than neat!

I might come back to this and write up the Rumbler and Lancer later as well.

Big Daddy [100]

Primary Characteristics: ST 15 [50]; DX 10 [0]; IQ 8 [-40]; HT 13 [30] 

Secondary Characteristics: SM+1, HP 15, FP 13, Will 8, Per 8, Basic Spd 6 [5], Basic Move 6

Advantages: Amphibious [10], Combat Reflexes [15], DR 3 (Can’t Wear Armor -40%; Flexible -20%) [6] + DR 5 (Can’t Wear Armor -40%; Partial, Torso and Head Only, -5%) [14], Doesn’t Breathe (Oxygen Storage, 100x) [14], IT: Damage Reduction (2) [50], Nictitating Membrane 5 [5], Pressure Support 2 [10], Sealed [15].

Disadvantages: Bad Smell [-10], Berserk (6) [-20], Cannot Speak [-15], Extreme Fanaticism (Little Sisters) [-15], Incurious [-5], Noisy 3 [-6], No Peripheral Vision [-15], Social Stigma (Subjugated) [-20]

Skills: Brawling DX+3 [8].

Lenses: Choose one of the following.

  • Rosie: Guns (Pistol) DX+2 [4], Mechanic (Submarine) IQ+2 [8], Throwing DX+0 [2]

  • Bouncer: One Hand [-15], Drill - Huge Piercing Attack 2d (Armor Divisor (2) +50%, Melee Attack C/1 -20%, Nuisance Effect: Loud roar -5%) [20], Enhanced Move 0.5 (Costs Fatigue 1/sec, -10%) [9]

Notes: Breathing time under normal activity of ~90 minutes, ~22 minutes of heavy activity. Drill statistics derived from High-Tech. Rosie rivet gun can probably be approximated by the Nail Gun in HT as well; an Innate Attack isn’t really suitable since it’s just a gun they’re carrying. DR modifier for "torso and head only" is approximated as Torso Only is -10% on its own.